Plymouth Massachusetts Starr Program In Texas

  1. Plymouth Starr Program Address

Day Treatment Program CREW-Create, Respect, Empower, Wellness For youth supported by the Department of Mental Health, BSCS is proud to offer an afterschool program designed to offer individually targeted psycho-educational, recreational, and therapeutic groups to develop and practice skills needed to be successful at home and in the community. Group activities are designed to meet the youth’s developmental and psychosocial needs. The latency age group (6-12) meets Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and the adolescent (13-18) group is on Tuesday and Thursday. The structured activities focus on the youth’s strengths, needs, and resiliency. Topics include positive social interaction, critical thinking, problem solving, independent living skills, confidence, leadership, and individual skill development to ensure the youth is successful in his or her daily activities.

Our Boston Regional STARR Program (Stabilization, Assessment, and Rapid Reintegration) is a 45 day residential program helping to stabilize youth, quickly assess their needs, and facilitate reunification with family or an alternate appropriate service, when necessary.

CREW is a fun, supportive, and healthy setting where youth can explore their needs, develop skills, and practice those skills with their peers. Funding Source The program is funded by the Department of Mental Health (DMH). Contact Information For more information, please contact our Program Director at 617-471-8400 x161.

Beal Street Adolescent Group Home Focusing on Family Reunification and Independent Living Skills BSCS is proud to provide residential services through the Caring Together Initiative. We utilize evidence-based and trauma-informed practices to serve youth and families involved in our care. Our residential programs provide a comprehensive, clinically sophisticated service, which is strength based, youth guided, and family focused. Our programs are designed to develop services to support the needs identified by the youth, family, and referral agencies.

The Beal Street program provides out of home treatment for adolescents ages 13-18. Beal Street coordinates and provides a variety of fully integrated services on-site and in the community; including intensive family therapy, individual therapy, clinical case management, groups, and behavioral therapy. Youth are referred by the Department of Children and Families, the Department of Mental Health, Caring Together, or other referral sources. The length of stay for youth can vary depending on the time frame in which treatment goals are met.

Beal Street recognizes that each adolescent and family is in a unique situation and strives to meet his/her individual needs. Beal Street provides twenty-four hour care for our adolescents at a 4 youth to 1 staff ratio. This includes fulfilling basic needs, coordinating an educational program, providing individual and group counseling, promoting a variety of recreational activities, and assisting youth to further their independent living skills. We strongly encourage youth to maintain their ties with the community as well as develop new, life-long supports.

Treatment Tracks The Beal Street program has two tracks of treatment: the family reunification track and the independent living track. Family Reunification Track For youth in the family reunification track, the clinical treatment focuses on strengthening the functioning of the family system and fostering optimal emotional, behavioral and psychological growth.

Youth on the family reunification track are encouraged to spend as much time at home with family as is clinically appropriate. Family participation in treatment planning, visits, and family therapy is necessary to meet the family’s goals. Beal Street believes that working with each youth’s family is an integral part of being at Beal Street. The program strongly encourages family participation with the program and referral agencies in developing the goals of each youth’s stay. Staff are available to support the youth and family during meetings and visits. Independent Living Skills Track The independent living skills track is for older youth with ties to the South Shore whose goal is to develop independent living skills while working on their permanency plan. These youth attend school in the community or obtain a GED.

Youth are encouraged to pursue options for higher education or vocational training. The program assists youth to get a job and work on skills that will enhance their ability to be independent.


Plymouth Starr Program Address

These youth are provided with group services, on-site clinical case management, and family work. Services Provided.


Clinical Assessment. Preparing Adolescents for Young Adulthood (PAYA). Skills Assessment. Treatment Interventions. Family Therapy.

Group Therapy. Individual Counseling. Aftercare Planning. Milieu Therapy. Educational Support For more information, please call our Main Office at 617-471-8400. Coastal STARR Adolescent Residential Emergency Services BSCS is proud to provide residential services through the Caring Together Initiative.

We utilize evidence-based and trauma-informed practices to serve youth and families involved in our care. Our residential programs provide a comprehensive, clinically sophisticated service, which is strength based, youth guided, and family focused. Our programs are designed to develop services to support the focal needs identified by the youth, family, and referral agencies. Coastal STARR is a short-term treatment and rapid reunification program (STARR) for adolescent males and females ages 12-17 who are in the custody of the Department of Children and Families (DCF).

Referrals to the program are made by DCF. The length of stay varies depending on the needs of each youth and family. While the youth is at STARR, program staff will coordinate communication between DCF, families, therapists, schools, courts, and any other outside providers involved in the youth’s treatment plan. Coastal STARR recognizes that each adolescent and family is in a unique situation and strives to meet his/her individual needs. Coastal STARR provides twenty-four hour care for youth in placement. This includes fulfilling basic needs, providing individual and group counseling, promoting a variety of recreational activities, and assisting adolescents to further their independent living skills. We encourage youth to maintain their connections with the community as well as develop new, life-long supports.

Families The Coastal STARR program is family centered and youth focused. The program has two Master’s level clinicians trained in family work. Coastal STARR believes that working with each youth’s family is an integral part of placement at the STARR. The program works with families, youth, and DCF in developing the goals of each youth’s stay. Staff are available to support the youth and family during meetings and visits. School For youth enrolled in school, the STARR staff will coordinate with community liaisons to arrange transportation to school.

DCF and the family will develop an educational plan for youth who are not currently enrolled in school. Participation in school and/or tutoring is an integral component of the program. Groups Coastal STARR provides a variety of daily groups, both formal and informal.

These groups are designed to assist adolescents with enhancing their social skills as well as providing them with information to assist in making healthy life choices. Services Provided. Clinical Assessment.

Preparing Adolescents for Young Adulthood (PAYA). Skills Assessment. Treatment Interventions. Family Therapy. Group Therapy.

Individual Counseling. Aftercare Planning. Milieu Therapy. Educational Support This program only receives referrals through DCF. Granite House – William T. Tilden House BSCS is proud to provide residential services through the Caring Together Initiative. We utilize evidence-based and trauma-informed practices to serve youth and families involved in our care.

Our residential programs provide a comprehensive, clinically sophisticated service, which is strength based, youth guided, and family focused. Our programs are designed to develop services to support the needs identified by the youth, family, and referral agencies. Granite House program provides out-of-home treatment that focuses on stabilizing behavioral health symptoms with the goal of family reunification. The program serves nine adolescent girls and boys ages 13-18. Granite House maintains a structured environment, which utilizes group therapy, counseling, and behavioral therapy that focus on learning, responsibility, and understanding one’s behaviors. By engaging youth and families in treatment, the program seeks to assist adolescents in improving their behavioral health and social functioning in order to achieve their greatest potential and return home to family, friends, and community.

Granite House provides twenty-four hour care for youth in placement offering a 3 youth to 1 staff ratio. This includes fulfilling basic needs, facilitating educational supports, providing individual and group counseling, promoting a variety of recreational activities, and assisting teens to further their independent living skills. We encourage youth to maintain their ties with the community as well as develop new, life-long supports. Families We believe that working with each youth’s family is an integral part of being at Granite House. The program strongly encourages family participation with the program and referral agencies, such as Department of Mental Health (DMH) or Department of Children and Families (DCF), in developing the goals of each youth’s stay. Staff are available to support the youth and family during meetings and visits.

School For youth enrolled in school, Granite House staff will help to coordinate transportation or teach the youth to use public transportation in the community. Participation in school and/or tutoring is an integral component of the program. The Granite House clinical team will help to facilitate educational, vocational and career goals. Groups Granite House provides a variety of daily groups, both formal and informal. These groups are designed to assist adolescents with enhancing their social skills, developing alternative responses, as well as introducing information to assist the youth in making healthy life choices. Services Provided.

Clinical Assessment. Preparing Adolescents for Young Adulthood (PAYA).

Skills Assessment. Treatment Interventions. Family Therapy.

Group Therapy. Individual Counseling.

Aftercare Planning. Milieu Therapy.

Educational Support For more information, please call our Main Office at 617-471-8400. Plymouth STARR Adolescent Residential Emergency Services BSCS is proud to provide residential services through the Caring Together Initiative. We utilize evidence-based and trauma-informed practices to serve youth and families involved in our care. Our residential programs provide a comprehensive, clinically sophisticated service, which is strength based, youth guided, and family focused. Our programs are designed to develop services to support the focal needs identified by the youth, family, and referral agencies. Plymouth STARR is a short-term treatment and rapid reunification program (STARR) for adolescent males and females ages 12-17 who are in the custody of the Department of Children and Families (DCF). Referrals to the program are made by DCF.

The length of stay varies depending on the needs of each youth and family. While the youth is at STARR, program staff will coordinate communication between DCF, families, therapists, schools, courts, and any other outside providers involved in the youth’s treatment plan. Plymouth STARR recognizes that each adolescent and family is in a unique situation and strives to meet his/her individual needs. Plymouth STARR provides twenty-four hour care for youth in placement. This includes fulfilling basic needs, providing individual and group counseling, promoting a variety of recreational activities, and assisting adolescents to further their independent living skills. We encourage youth to maintain their connections with the community as well as develop new, life-long supports.

Families The Plymouth STARR program is family centered and youth focused. The program has two Master’s level clinicians trained in family work. Plymouth STARR believes that working with each youth’s family is an integral part of placement at the STARR. The program works with families, youth, and DCF in developing the goals of each youth’s stay. Staff are available to support the youth and family during meetings and visits.

School For youth enrolled in school, the STARR staff will coordinate with community liaisons to arrange transportation to school. DCF and the family will develop an educational plan for youth who are not currently enrolled in school. Participation in school and/or tutoring is an integral component of the program. Groups Plymouth STARR provides a variety of daily groups, both formal and informal.

These groups are designed to assist adolescents with enhancing their social skills as well as providing them with information to assist in making healthy life choices. Services Provided. Clinical Assessment. Preparing Adolescents for Young Adulthood (PAYA).

Skills Assessment. Treatment Interventions. Family Therapy. Group Therapy.

Individual Counseling. Aftercare Planning. Milieu Therapy. Educational Support This program only receives referrals through DCF.