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Noctis:. The son of a rich Japanese businessman, but his mother was a foreigner. introverted because he was bullied in school about having a foreigner parent, barely finished high school and never went to college. but it’s okay because he is actually the world’s highest ranking gamer in Monster Justice Five, the most popular online e-sport tournament. with several official international wins and contracts to his username this boy doesn’t need daddy’s allowance!

I’ve had some mixed feelings for a while now about the two latest Fire Emblem games (Fates and Awakening). I think they’re good games, but They just don’t feel like Fire Emblem games anymore to me. They’re like their own thing now or like, Fire Emblem:Next Gen or something. In any case, I’ve kind of decided to discontinue my other FE poster in favor of this one which pays homage to the classic line of FE games. I have played and beaten all of these games multiple times (including Blinding Blade which I recently found an English patch for. Attention Dionysus/Bacchus devotees in North America: Do you see this plant? This glossy, green beauty is the one and only Hedera helix, otherwise known as English ivy.

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It’s what your Man wears on His head. I can almost guarantee that there’s some growing nearby you right now. You’ve probably even seen it for yourself. Maybe it was creeping along the ground, maybe it was winding its way up a tree, maybe it was completely obliterating the shape of a building because of how thickly it was laying. Again, this plant is a symbol of your god from way back in history.


A few tendrils of it would look great on your altar for Him. You could adorn a staff with a few more, and weave others into a crown for your head–and use them both in rituals and prayer. Maybe even keep a pot of it growing on your windowsill, and make caring for it a devotional activity. I wholeheartedly encourage all of this. Especially if it’s done with plants that were harvested from the areas around you. Because, friends, there’s a reason why English ivy is everywhere. It’s an introduced, invasive species.

Windows Vista Activator Full Version Free Download is Service Pack 2 (SP2), which includes all previously released updates for the Windows Vista Download and news center. Service Pack 2 can individually be installed from Microsoft website.

However, Paradox crack is not foolproof, and for some reason such as BSOD crash, you may want to remove and uninstall from Windows Vista system. Here’s a guide on how to uninstall Paradox. Note: You can use the VOATK Tools to automatically remove Paradox crack in Windows Vista, but if you prefer to do it yourself, here’s the steps. VOATK Tools v2.5 Free Download to Reset and Clean Windows Activation Cracks or Change Edition. Posted: November 27, 2008 / Under: Operating Systems / By: My Digital Life Editorial Team. VOATK Tools is a useful tools that manages all aspects related to Windows Vista Product Activation (WPA) and more.

Our ecosystems are not adapted to its presence, and as such, there is little to nothing standing in the way of its spread. Almost nothing here eats it or preys on it as a parasite; it can grow anywhere with impunity, and believe me, it will.

In some cases, the ivy can grow so thickly on a tree that it actually crushes it with its weight, killing the tree. It can even destroy houses for the same reason. So when you see a patch of English ivy growing in the forest, take as much as you want. Take all of it, if you like. You don’t have to follow the “only harvest 10%” rule for invasives–less is definitely not more. I promise you, it won’t be missed by the environment.

If you already have some ivy growing in a pot, or in your yard, please make sure to keep it contained. Keep the potted ivy as an “indoor plant”, and make sure that what’s growing in your garden doesn’t spread too far! There’s enough “feral” ivy out there; we don’t need to be adding any fresh sources. Now, all the problems this plant can cause aren’t really its fault–we’re the ones who put it here, after all–so it’s best to be respectful to the spirit of the plant when you harvest it. But, to be respectful to everything else here, harvest the fuck out of it.