Download Boy Scouts Religious Emblem Program Free

Building Faith in Youth. We are known for the P.R.A.Y. Program - a Bible-based religious emblems program for Protestant and Independent Christian churches designed to bring children, youth, and families to Christ. Our program has impacted the lives of thousands of children nationwide.

  1. Download Boy Scouts Religious Emblem Program Free Download
  2. Cub Scouts Religious Emblems Program
  3. Girl Scout Religious Emblems

I had my good friend, Ken Lee, on the show to talk about Scouting Religious Emblems programs. Ken comes from a great scouting family going back three generations on camp staff at in Ashford, Connecticut.

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Download Boy Scouts Religious Emblem Program Free Download


Cub Scouts Religious Emblems Program

He’s an Eagle Scout, and he’s the father of an Eagle Scout. He’s been a longtime assistant Scoutmaster for Troop 4 in Norwich. At present, he’s the District Chairman for the of the Connecticut Rivers Council, which serves Southeastern Connecticut. But it was in Ken’s capacity as the Chair of the that I had Ken on the program.


Girl Scout Religious Emblems

I hope you enjoy it. Scouting Religious Emblems Resources.