Chibios Serial Over Usb Example

The ChibiOSAVR folder also contains a dozen examples, each of which is worth looking into and trying out. Keep in mind that there is no LED on a standard JeeNode, and that the blue LED on the JeeNode SMD and JeeNode USB is on pin 9 and has a reverse polarity (“0” will turn it on, “1” will turn it off). Detailed Description. Serial over USB Driver. This module implements an USB Communication Device Class (CDC) as a normal serial communication port accessible from the device application. Precondition: In order to use the USB over Serial driver the HAL_USE_SERIAL_USB option must be enabled in halconf.h. STM32F4-Discovery-example-code This is my example code for the STM32F4 Discovers using the RTOS ChibiOS. Requirements. Chibios 2.5.0+ (or a recent development snapshot). arm toolchain (e.g.

Seems to be some recent ( August 07 ) activities Github for ChibiOS/RT. The seriallld (low level driver) for the K20 seems to have more code than before. Hopefully, that save me some work as I was just about to make my own for the K22DX. Found the following under ChibiOS/RT Discussion forum for Kinetis Support: That's the type of risk you would find on bleeding edge development.

Glad that I modify my startup code from Freescale which does contain the proper FLASH protection support. Hopefully, they'll get that sorted this out so that I don't have to do a lot of work to port my RVCT startup code to GCC.:) Also ported RTC code.

The FatFS as well the RTC hardware emulation would need to have access to RTC in the ARM chip. I gave up on the serialllc from the github. Some of the code has ties to the pre-release ChibiOS 3.0. (Official release date is Q1 2015.) I am not eager to debug code on 2 fronts. Along the way, I tripped on the newbie trap of forgetting to turn on the gated clock for the UART. I finally got my first 'Hello' on the PC terminal window. My next step is to port over my simple monitor shell.

Chibios Serial Over Usb Example Free

I have generalized the hard coded (yikes! 1 file per UART) driver code so that I can use the same piece of code for up to 3 UARTs. The ARM should be able to extra tiny bit of indexing overhead. I have modified the code to use ChibiOS routines for interrupts: CHIRQHANDLER, CHIRQPROLOGUE, CHIRQEPILOGUE(.) I substitute yield with chThdYield when the driver want to wait for I/O. The library is not a full driver as it doesn't handling access/queuing from multiple threads, but that's all I'll need anyways. SPI is used as the primary datapath for this project for moving large blocks of data between SD, FPGA and ARM, so having DMA offloading is what I want.

I'll likely to have a thread for managing and maintaining a queue for SPI transfers. I am more interested in this than Paul's CPU transfer code. Between USB and the GPIO, the ARM is going to be handling a lot of interrupts. I am guessing can be a bit in thousands (or more) per second.

(USB frame is 1ms, PS/2 clock line interrupts) This is one area that ChibiOS excel. The MK22DX5 would be in the ball park of the ARMCM0/LPC1114-48-GCC4.6.2.

I don't like IDE with tabbed or tiled editor windows in general as I like to work with as many source code windows opened as needed especially when porting code. On the debugging side, being able to view/edit the onchip peripherals registers with annotation what the bits do is very nice. These are the kind of things that are handy for working on low level driver code. I got my monitor code ported, but it crashes after a random # of key presses.


Since I have used the code in 3 or 4 different microcontroller families, I can only conclude that the hacked together serial driver doesn't work under load. Perhaps there are some interaction between multithreading nature and nothing to protect the data structure? Or that I have done a bad job of porting the code, I don't know. I am going to take the MK20 seriallld from the pre-3.0 and back port it to most recent public release (2.6.5) to minimize the amount of bleeding edge code that I have to deal with. It also helps that there are examples etc.I'll likely use the LPC214x code as the template for the os stuff and my modified serial code for the low level stuff. Got the serial code from 3.0 pre ported, but my code still crash randomly after holding down a key for a while in the terminal program. Right now my only clue is that the hard fault event seems to happen after INT47 UART0 calls.

Chibios Serial Over Usb Example 5

(MDK mislabelled it as DMA15) My working theory is that these calls might not get a chance to return before they are overrun by another and eventually it blows up the stack. I used a homebrew PL2303 USB-serial dongle to my PC. It might have queued up multiple serial characters in a USB frame and send them out in a big burst and overwhelms the ARM firmware.

The UART FIFO wasn't even enabled in the original code. I should probably look more closely at tuning the code to make better utilization of the FIFO.

DMA is another option, but I don't want to get into that for the time being as serial traffic isn't deterministic. This is a different snapshot showing what normally happens when it hasn't crashed yet. Saw this last night. First UART code shows up a few days before I need it, and now SPI. Seems like I am lined up with more bleeding edge code. It is CPU transfer code, not DMA.:( Still having the framework would help. Found a typo where I change the 3.0 calls to 2.6, but it still doesn't help.

It turns out those are currently empty macros with hooks for debugging etc. I tried the shell that comes with ChibiOS. It also hangs at 115200, but seem to be fine at 38400. So there is certainly some issue with the serial driver.

Chibios Serial Over Usb Example Pdf

For now, I just have to run the serial port at lower speed and have bigger stack size. This is livable as my current priority is not fixing the OS. It doesn't seem to be stack overflow issue. Seems to be a bus fault, but don't know why. I have tried a lot of things including playing with FIFO. Sometimes it take a few presses to cause a crash and sometime it take a lot. This is non-critical, I'll have to come back later.